OPUS – Ancient Arts follows in the tradition of the great fairs dedicated to ancient arts, marking a new highlight in the cultural calendars of dealers, institutions and collectors alike. OPUS – Ancient Arts takes the form of an intimate art fair, featuring a carefully curated selection of galleries showcasing their diverse specialities: Greek and Roman, Egyptian, Near-Eastern, Islamic and Pre-Columbian antiquities.
2023 Exhibitors
Galerie Meyer
Galerie Cahn
Galerie Günter Puhze
Maison Auclert
Galerie Kevorkian
Plektron Fine Arts
Galerie Cybèle
Arteas Ltd
Galerie Tarantino
2023 Vetting Committee
OPUS – Ancient Arts aims to strengthen trust between dealers, institutions and collectors. First, by limiting participation to galeries of exemplary reputation who demonstrate unswerving dedication to the ethical rules guiding their activities. Second, by establishing an international vetting committee comprising renowned specialists, recognised for both their expertise and their integrity. Third, by maintaining clear and open channels of communication with the relevant authorities. All these elements combined guarantee visitors that the artefacts on display have been subject to the most rigorous appraisal.
Conservateur général honoraire du Patrimoine, Agnès Benoit was responsible for Ancient Iran and Central Asia collections at the Louvre’s Department of Antiquities for almost 30 years. She was also a professor at the École du Louvre, holding the Chair of General Art History in Eastern Antiquity from 1994 to 2015. In this capacity, she wrote a 680-page summary work entitled Art et Archéologie. Les civilisations du Proche Orient ancien, RMN, Paris, first published in 2003, and republished many times since. In 2010, she published a small book in the Solo collection of the Éditions du Louvre, entitled Princesse de Bactriane, which focuses on an exceptional statuette donated by the Louvre’s Friends Society. It is a reference work on this statuary. Today, she devotes her time to the study of collections linked to ancient Iran and the Oxus Civilisation. Her latest book, Art in the first Cities of Iran and Central Asia, published in September 2021 by Yale University Press, is devoted to the masterpieces of the Sarikhani Collection..
Corinne Besson is a former jeweller, holder of a Ph.D. in Art History and Archeology and a former scholar of the Ministry of National Education, Research and Technology. She is the author of a thesis about the manufacturing techniques and typologies of gold jewellery in Roman Gaul, UMR 8167, 2007 (Poitiers and Paris IV-Sorbonne). Associate researcher at the team “Technical-Commercial-Production and Consumption” (TP2C) of the UMR 5140: Archaeology of Mediterranean societies from the University of Lattes-Montpellier/CNRS, expert in antique jewellery from the Mediterranean, she is a member of the Chambre nationale des experts spécialisés en objets d’art et de collections and an expert student of the Chambre nationale des experts spécialisés en œuvres d’art. She is also a member of the vetting committee of the Brussels Ancient Art Fair since 2012.
A Pre-Columbian art lover, Quentin started working in 2008 alongside his father, Jacques Blazy, as an international expert forauction houses such as Binoche and Giquello inParis.He also advises private collectors and contributed to the organisation of numerous exhibitions such as The Fifth Sun at the President Jacques Chirac Museum in Sarran in 2012.
Peter Blome trained in classical archaeology at the University of Basel, where he obtained his doctorate in 1975. He was appointed professor in 1985 and joined the Basel Museum of Antiquities, where he was director for twenty years. In close collaboration with André Wiese, he expanded the Greco-Roman nucleus by creating a department of Egyptian art.
Christian Loeben is a specialist in Ancient Egypt. Since 2004, he is a curator at Hanover’s August Kestner Museum, head of the Ancient Egypt and Islam collections. He curated more than a dozen exhibitions. In 2012 and 2021, Christian was part of the scientific evaluation committee for the Egyptology departments of the Louvre and the Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig. He is a member of several art fairs’ vetting committees such as BAAF, BRAFA and TEFAF Maastricht.
Olivier Perdu is an egyptologist, working with the chair of Pharaonic Civilization at the Collège de France. He was a teacher at the École du Louvre from 1983 till 2000.He curated the Crépuscule des pharaons : chefs- d’œuvre des dernières dynasties égyptiennes consacrée à une réhabilitation de la production artistique après le Nouvel Empire exhibition at the Musée Jacquemart-André, in 2012.
Kai Scheuermann is a specialist in engraved gems and has been collecting glyptics from the Classical World for the last 35 years. Some pieces from his collection have been exhibited at the Staatliche Antikensammlung in Munich in the Exhibitions “Charakterköpfe” 2017 and “Die Etrusker” 2015, as well in the Schnütgen Museum in Cologne in the “Magie Bergkristall” Exhibition 2022.
A spectacular find was made in 2005 where he rediscovered a highly important Amethyst-Intaglio in the Bust of Charlemagne in the Treasure of the Cathedral of Aix la Chapelle, reverse mounted, and still in permanent Exhibition there separately.
For many years, Kai Scheuermann was co-owner of the Kölner Münzkabinett in Cologne, an auction house that has partly specialised in precious stones for over 50 years.
In Autumn 2023, Kai joined the team of renowned German auctioneer Christoph Bouillon, a leading specialist in Old Arts as Specialist for Ancient Engravings.
Trained in Law as a former HR Director, Laurent Schroeder became an expert in 2002, out of passion. A lifelong collector, his knowledge of Asian art and gemmology – he is a member of the French Gemmology Association – has led him to practise several professions simultaneously: expert, journalist, lecturer and independent researcher (in collaboration with the French National Museum of Natural History). Learning the Chinese language has enabled him to specialise in this country. Japan and South-East Asia will logically round off his specialisms.
Cyril Thiaudière holds a Ph.D. in Ancient History and Archaeology and is a former scholar of the French Institute of Oriental Archaeology (2001, 2002, 2003). He is the author of a thesis about the study of technical and typological gold jewellery from Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt (Poitiers – Limoges 2005), and a former associate researcher at the research group Histara, EA 4115: Art history, archeology and history of representations of Europe, of the École pratique des hautes études, Sorbonne, Paris. Cyril Thiaudière is an expert in antique jewellery from the Mediterranean, a member of the Chambre nationale des experts spécialisés en objets d’art et de collections and an expert student of the Chambre belge des experts en œuvres d’art. He is also a member of the vetting committee of the Brussels Ancient Art Fair since 2012.
André Wiese is a specialist in Ancient Egypt, an international expert since 1986 and a curator at the Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig since 1997. André created the collection of the Egyptian department and is now head of the permanent collection and the temporary exhibitions. In 2004, he curated the Toutankhamon – L’Or de l’au- delà exhibition, in cooperation with the Supreme Council of Egyptian Antiquities.
2023 Special Guests
Alongside the participating galleries, OPUS – Ancient Arts is also inviting a number of players in the field of ancient arts to present their work throughout the fair.
The Antinoë bookshop was founded in 1985 by Brigitte Cordelle, a bookseller and former expert in Mediterranean archaeology at the Court of Appeal in Aix-en-Provence.
Specialising in archaeology and the fine arts, Antinoë is one of the last physical archaeology bookshops in France. Located in the heart of Brest, it is also a local bookshop in a particularly rich cultural environment (primary schools, art galleries, antique gallery, Fine Arts museum, castle, Fine Arts school, conservatory, etc.).
The bookshop offers rare and specialised works from prehistory to the Middle Ages, including excavation reports, essays, historical books, epigraphs, ancient texts and more. The Fine Arts section offers books on both Western and non-Western art, as well as essays, exhibition catalogues, monographs and artists’ books. The bookshop, which offers both new and second-hand books, focuses particularly on Egyptology and Assyriology.Librairie Antinoë – 30, rue Émile Zola 29200 Brest, France
Qualified with a diploma in Conservation-restoration of Heritage obtained in Paris in 2016, Jérôme Bresson very soon devoted himself to the conservation and restoration of antique and archaeological artefacts and founded the Atelier Bresson the same year. With a wealth of experience in prestigious galleries and museum institutions, and always driven by a passion for Classical and Egyptian antiquities, it is with great care and rigour that he provides the ethical treatment necessary to ensure the longevity of the altered works entrusted to him, whether they are in terracotta, marble, stucco, polychrome wood, limestone or even glass… The Atelier Bresson serves a clientele that includes curators, gallery owners, auctioneers, antique dealers, collectors and lovers of antique and archaeological objects.
Atelier Bresson – 3, impasse Duplessis 78000 Versailles, France
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Contact us

18-22 September 2024
Espace Commines
17 rue Commines
75003 Paris
Wednesday 18 September
Grand Opening
5pm -9pm
Thursday 19 September
11am -7pm
Friday 20 September
Late-Night Opening
11am -9pm
Saturday 21 September
11am -7pm
Sunday 22 September
11am -4pm
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